Mampra Cenemas, based in Bangalore,India, is a movie production company which develops, promotes and produces original movies in Malayalam and other South Indian languages including Tamil.
We stimulate, innovate and entertain. Filmmaking is our passion!
We relish the entire creative process, right from story initialization to the gritty and maverick shoots and finally to passionately detail the end product into a film that is set to rhythm among the viewers. Each professional allied with Mampra Cinemas has proven abilities in their respective areas of expertise and hence completes the project within the time schedule. We also believe in promoting fresh talents and also in giving a deserving platform for the young, talented and experienced directors who have been assisting others all along, to be independent creators into the film industry.
The people behind this venture were in to drama and short films out of passion and even did such ventures as early as in nineties onwards along with their successful other business ventures.